Learning Platforms –
The Learning People.percipio.com.
Jason Dion – CompTIA A+ (220-1001 + 220-1002) Test Prep, Exams and Simulations on Udemy.com
Professor Messer YouTube videos and Study Group.
CompTIA A+ Exam 220-1002 and 220-1002 & CompTIA A+ Pocket Prep apps for mobile.
Most of the topics within the online platform was new to me. A few weeks in I began to search for more resources and what other learners were using to study as I have not studied for exams in a lonnng time. Professor Messer was a popular choice and I found him really engaging and easy to listen to, with up-to-date information. His study group was also another great way to learn and engage with people studying like you.
I downloaded CompTIA A+ Exam 220-1001 and 220-1002 and CompTIA+ pocket prep apps for my mobile. I found these really handy as when you have a spare 5/10mins through out the day you can complete a quick test to re enforce your knowledge. It also helped to identify areas needed to brush up on. CompTIA A+ Exam app the better of the two, as their questions are similar to that on the exam.
The more I looked online, Jason Dions courses kept coming up. So I did a little more research and decided to purchase his CompTIA A+ prep exams and simulations from Udemy at £9.99. These are excellent and worth the money. He breaks everything down into sections and has two practice exams with questions are very similarly worded to the exam. He has a great section on the simulation questions that you are likely to get and his general tips on how to take the test are very helpful.
Studying alone and watching presentations is difficult especially when you are a mature student. Found it more useful and it supported my style of learning to have that variety and knowledge from different people so I could adapt a couple of ways that suited me best. I found after I increased my knowledge initially from The Learning People percipio.com presentations, I got the most from Professor Messer YouTube channel which includes his study group, and Jason Dions courses. I started to enjoy the everyday learning and the information began to sink in and I felt ready for the test.
The Exam –
I found the exam very difficult and mentally draining. You have to really read and understand what the objective is in the question. A lot of the questions are wordy and usually have two of what you feel are the correct answers, with just a word sometimes separating the true answer. Some questions also have all the correct answers, but you have to choose the most relevant answer for the question. This leaves you not knowing really how well you have done or if you have done enough to pass until you see your result after those dreaded feedback questions. It can be a nervous wait.
Set up time –
I have done these exams online and there is a bit of setting up and getting yourself and room ready. You have to log in on your computer. Then on your phone you have to take a photo of yourself, your id and 360 images of your room set up. These have to be all in order before you proceed. My advice would be to sit with your back to window and have the room clear of as much items as you can. They can be strict with this, so be warned. You also have someone watching you the whole test through the webcam, they can communicate with you through text or voice. I got the shock of my life when someone said “Please stop talking”, in the middle of my exam. All I was doing was reading the question out to myself, which I do but you are not allowed to do this.
Tips and Hints –
I would skip the simulations at the start and go back to them at the end. What can happen is you can spend too much time on these and run out of time for the multiple choice questions. Read the questions and answers carefully, if you are unsure flag them and answer them at the end. This gives you an opportunity to maybe see a similar question or answer on into the test and trigger your memory. If you are really struggling use the process of elimination and you will usually have a choice between two answers, then choose the one that makes more sense, or look for a key word. If you are totally stuck guess, that is the benefit of multiple choice questions.
Final Words –
Studying and exams can be Stressful, so take time out and focus on your Mental Health. You can also have Imposter Syndrome, which is were you doubt yourself and abilities. So talk to friends and family and even reach out to the Cyber community. I failed the first time so it’s no big deal, It is how you come back and learn from your mistakes. I ran out off time as I spent too long on the simulations, but I also crammed the learning in too quickly. Take your time in learning, study to understand the topic and not just memorizing. Good Luck !